Communication difficulties can arise from a range of conditions including stroke, learning disability or Parkinson's Disease. Language impairments can affect understanding, talking, reading and writing. People may have speech difficulties which impact their ability to be understood in conversation. Speech and Language Therapists also work with people who have Cognitive Communication Disorder where impaired thinking skills lead to challenges in social interactions.
Communication difficulties that I work with:
Dysphagia is the medical term for a swallowing disorder. Symptoms of swallowing difficulties include choking, coughing, throat clearing, wet ("gurgly") voice, and changes in breathing when eating and drinking. Other signs include regular chest infections, weight loss and avoiding certain foods.
Speech and Language Therapists can support people with dysphagia through providing safer swallowing strategies, exercises and recommending alternative food/fluids where appropriate.
If you think that you may have difficulties swallowing, please contact your GP in the first instance.
Both formal and informal methods will be used to complete a comprehensive assessment of your communication and/or swallowing difficulties. This will include finding out how your difficulties impact your daily life. We will then work together to identify achievable goals that are relevant and meaningful to you.
Assessments will ideally be completed in person at your home, however online options are available, decided on a case-by-case basis.
Therapy sessions will be focused around working towards your goals. A range of evidence-based approaches will be used and selected based on your individual needs. Therapy will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that it is still beneficial to you.
Sessions may take place in person at your home or online via Microsoft Teams.
Individual therapy programmes may be written, including relevant resources, to allow for further independent practice with family/carers outside of scheduled therapy sessions.
There are times where it is essential to liaise with other professionals involved in your care (e.g. GPs, carers) to ensure safe treatment. I will gain your consent before sharing any information.
Formal written reports are available on request at any time.
Julie - Client
Sophie - Specialist Speech and Language Therapist